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Monday, January 14, 2013

Girme`s Organic Wheatgrass Powder

Girme`s Organic Wheatgrass Powder 

Start your day with Wheatgrass Powder which is a natural food supplement enriched with all the required nutrients for your body. Girme`s Organic Wheatgrass Powder is made with natural wheatgrass powder, 100 % Organic, free from artificial flavors, artificial colors and preservatives, Organic - Certified by USDA Organic, NOCA India Organic HALAL and is packed in a air tight container.

Some of the main benefits of Girme`s Organic Wheatgrass Powder are:
*Builds up natural immune system
*Resolves digestion related problems
*Increases haemoglobin count
*Highly effective for weight loss and gain
*Improves skin disorders and muscle toning
*Controls blood sugar level, cholesetrol and prevents constipation
*Improves reproductive health of both men and women
*Helps fight diseases like Cancer, Paralysis, Asthma, Arthritis, Insomnia, etc.

DIRECTIONS: Mix 1 spoon of powder in warm water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning. A tea spoon of honey can be added to enhance the taste. It can be added in food items such as, juice, salad, rice, pulses, Indian bread, etc.

Super Chlorophyll

Super Chlorophyll

Super Chlorophyll is a proprietary blend of nature’s best ingredients for individuals seeking a natural way to cleanse their bodies and defend against damaging free radicals.

Super ChlorophyllIts benefits include:
  • Shown to be an effective antioxidant in research studies
  • May help regulate bowel function
  • Commonly used as a deodorizer for the intestinal and urinary tract
  • Acts as an alkalizing agent to maintain pH levels
  • Used to help beautify and keep skin vibrant and young
  • Chlorophyllin has been shown to protect DNA from known mutagens
  • Has been used to heal wounds
  • Used by individuals as an alkalizing agent to maintain pH levels and whole- body well being
A key ingredient in Super Chlorophyll is chlorophyll from the alfalfa plant. Alfalfa has been used for centuries by various cultures as a vitalizing and cleansing agent, and science has recently confirmed the potential health bene t of chlorophyll supplementation.Your skin is the largest organ in your body and is the fi rst barrier to protecting yourself from damaging free radicals. Free radicals speed up the aging process and harm healthy cells, making skin appear wrinkled, dry, and discolored. For decades, many cultures have used chlorophyll to heal and revitalize damaged skin. Studies have revealed that Chlorophyllin—the common form of chlorophyll found in supplements—acts as a powerful antioxidantand internal deodorizer.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lean Complete

Everyone knows that it’s important to kick start your day with a healthy breakfast; you’ll have more energy and studies show that those who eat breakfast lose more weight than those that don’t.
Lean Complete
However, many of us feel we are too busy to eat breakfast, and so skip it. We then eat a large lunch and an even larger dinner, and these meals are usually bereft of nutrients but loaded with fat and sugar. This leads to large blood glucose spikes during meal time and causes our body to store more food as fat. Stop the vicious cycle of adding fat, by starting your day right with Lean Complete; a high-protein, low-carbohydrate breakfast that provides needed nutrients and helps to keep you full until your next meal.
It’s crucial to a healthy weight-loss program that you avoid large amounts of high-glycemic foods such as rice, pasta, and sweets. Not only is Lean Complete a good substitute for sugary cereals, it tastes good too! Lean Complete has a rich chocolate/vanilla ‑flavor that helps to control your sweet tooth while providing the energy you need to make it through the day.
Protein Matrix – Lean Complete contains over six types of protein; the importance of this being that di­fferent types of protein are absorbed at different times. These di­fferent absorption rates ensures that body receives a constant supply of high quality protein – preventing the break down of your existing lean muscle mass. Studies have shown that those who ingest whey protein, the major source of protein in Lean Complete , eat less and feel fuller.
Vitamin Blend – Packed with essential vitamins, the Vitamin Blend in Lean Complete helps you to obtain the vitamins you need to keep your body working at peak performance. Mineral Blend – Many Americans are deficient in important minerals. Minerals are important to enzymatic reactions in the body; reactions that include DNA synthesis, DNA repair, wound healing and more.
Today’s breakfasts are loaded with fat, salt, sugar, and other unhealthy ingredients. Read the ingredient label the next time you’re at your local fast food restaurant and you’ll be shocked.
Followers of the 4-4-12™ system that are looking to burn fat should substitute a healthy alternative for these diet-destroying meals. Lean Complete is an excellent alternative that is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.
Lean Complete shake plus a glass of Bios Life S is a great way to start your day o­. You’ll reduce cravings and put yourself in a fat-burning state until your next meal. Studies have shown that eating meals regularly (e.g. 4-4-12™) is healthier than infrequent meal times. Infrequent meal times may lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol, increase insulin resistance, and may lead to weight gain over time.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rich Stevia – Innocent Sugar/ Alternative Sugar

Rich Stevia – Innocent Sugar/ Alternative Sugar
In December 2008, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of high quality Stevia extract in food and beverages. This positive movement resulted in the removal of restrictions on the use of Stevia as an ingredient in many countries and is widely accepted to be consumed as a dietary supplement.

While Stevia is very popular as a natural sweetener, few people would know of its miraculous healing properties in the treatment and control of a host of common diseases. It is especially useful in the treatment and management of diabetes and hypertension (blood pressure) and is well known as a plaque retardant.

Stevia - Preventive Control for Diabetes
According to WHO, about 300 million people will suffer from diabetes by 2025. Studies reveal that about 2 people in the world are affected with diabetes every 10 seconds with India leading the way as the diabetic capital of the world.
The ailment of diabetes is caused when body does not produce or properly utilize the insulin produced. Consequently causing gangrene, amputation, adult blindness and end-stage renal disease (ESRD), diabetes is responsible for affecting the lives of millions of people around the world. Diabetes mellitus is categorized by regularly high levels of blood glucose (sugar) in the human body. The body has to be able to sustain the blood glucose levels in a narrow range, which is done by the elements of insulin and glucagon. The continually high levels of sugar in the body can cause kidney failure, cardiovascular problems and neuropathy.
The ever increasing endemic of diabetes can be controlled by the incredible Stevia plant. Research conducted by Dutch and Japanese scientists in 2003 have revealed that continuous intake of Stevia, induces the beta cells of pancreas to produce more insulin. This in turn reduces the dependence on oral as well as injectable insulin and controls diabetes.

Stevia – Improves Tooth Care
Sugar rich products have become a way of life and over the years have permeated all levels of the food processing industry. However sugar is responsible for teeth decay and in highly concentrated forms reduces the effects of other herbal elements. The naturally occurring Stevia plant is 250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar and possesses anti-bacterial properties that remove plaque while improving the overall condition of the teeth. The remarkable characteristics of Stevia make it ideal for use in toothpastes and dental powders as well as an alternative for sugar in food products.

Reduce Hypertension
A creation of remarkable natural components, the Stevia herb possesses the capacity to cure a range of ailments and keep health problems at bay. Diabetics have been known to suffer from hypertension which in turn further aggravates the decline of health. The extraordinary healing trait of the Stevia plant enables it to treat chronic hypertension and improve overall health.

Universal Tonic
Stevia leaves when dried contain numerous vitamins and trace elements like Selenium, Cobalt and Chromium. These elements are powerful antioxidants and improve overall health.

Digestive Supplement
The indigenous people of Paraguay have used Stevia for centuries for improving digestive and intestinal functions. Capable of calming the stomach when upset, Stevia also assists in a swifter recovery from minor disorders.

Skin Care
The incredible antiseptic properties of Stevia allow it to be used on the skin as well. Protecting the skin against ageing, Stevia also removes acne and protects the human skin from various other skin problems. The antibacterial property of the Stevia plant makes it extremely efficient for treating cuts as it accelerates the healing period while simultaneously destroying the harmful bacteria.

For Reducing Weight:
Apart from having zero calories, the incredible trait of Stevia to reduce hunger pangs and satiate sooner enables it to aid the weight reduction process. The natural composition of Stevia makes it an ideal tonic for reducing weight.

Controlling Addictions
According to some research on Stevia, the all natural Stevia plant and its extracts reduce the yearning for tobacco and its products along with alcohol and greasy food products.

Antimicrobial Property
The anti-microbial trait of the Stevia plant enables it to hinder the reproduction of harmful bacteria along with a host of other highly contagious organisms that spur various health problems. Continual usage of Stevia results in diminished occurrences of cold and flu.

Stevia as a probable Cardio Tonic
Though the tests and research on Stevia is an ongoing process, certain studies indicate that Stevia could be extremely effective in strengthening the cardio vascular system of the human body.
Stevia’s other Multi-functional Healing Properties
It kills fungi and viruses.
Reduces inflammation.
Enhances energy and mental activity.
Removes dandruff and allows the hair to retain its natural colour.
pH stable (3-9).
Completely safe for use by children.

Rich Moringa

Rich Moringa
[Ultimate Superfood]
Moringa powder is made from the freshly harvested leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree. Fresh Moringa powder has a deep green colour and a rich nutty smell. The nutrient-packed powder is soft and fluffy when it is pure and grown in organic conditions. It dissolves easily into water or juice and is an excellent ingredient in a variety of healthy recipes.
Moringa leaves contains:
7 times the vitamin C of oranges,
4 times the calcium in milk,
4 times the vitamin A in carrots,
2 times the protein of milk and 3 times the potassium in bananas.
In addition, Moringa has zinc, chlorophyll and 3 times more iron than spinach.
Taking Moringa powder will provide you with many benefits that you may notice within just days of using it. Moringa powder is perhaps the most nutrient dense single food source on the planet. Many people who take Moringa powder notice a significant boost in:
Energy, Concentration, Stamina, Mental Clarity, Emotional Balance
A long list of other positive benefits are
Increases the Natural defense mechanism of the body
Provides nourishment to the eyes and the brain.
Promotes metabolism with bioavailable
Promotes the Cell structure of the body
Promotes natural Serum cholesterol.
Lowers the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Promotes the normal functioning of the liver and the kidney.
Beautifies the skin
Promotes energy
Promotes proper digestion
Acts as an antioxidant
Takes care of the immune system of the body
Promotes healthy circulatory system
It is an antiinflammatory
Gives a feeling of general wellness
Supports the normal sugar levels of the body.
Especially suggested for STRENGTHENING OF NERVES

RICH GRASS – Panacea On Earth(Wheat Grass)

Nature Gift to Mankind
RICH GRASS – Panacea On Earth
Research has established that if Wheat Grass is cultivated organically and harvested at the ‘jointing’ stage ( 6 to 7 days in tropical climate , then only its PH value will be nearer to 7 n The pH (hydrogen molecules) value of human blood and Wheatgrass both is about 7 (alkaline) and is therefore quickly absorbed in the blood and is highly beneficial.
The molecular structure of Chlorophyll contained in Wheatgrass bears a close resemblance to the substance called Hemin contained in human blood. The only exception is that the central atom in Chlorophyll is Magnesium whereas Hemoglobin contains Iron. Dieticians therefore call Wheatgrass as ‘Green Blood' as it helps to increasing red blood cells (RBC) & cure Anemia.
It contains more than 90 beneficial substances such as Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, Enzymes, Chlorophyll and Dietary Fibre including 19 Amino acids including 9 EAA (essential amino acids) which our body needs from outside source. So Wheatgrass can be known as Rich Grass.
100% Natural & innocent product having multiple health & wellness benefits such as:
Helps strengthen natural immune (resistance) system.
Helps in detoxification & thus reduces stress, tension, foul odors of breath & sweat.
Helps maintain blood pH conditions towards alkaline.
Increases blood Haemoglobin count, helps combat Thalassemia & Anaemia.
Helps improve reproductive health of both men & women, increase vigour, vitality & helps conceive.
Helps resolves digestion related problems such as Diabetes, Piles (Hemorrhoids), Colitis, Acidity, Ulcers, etc.
Supplements intake of dietary fibre which helps control blood sugar level, cholesterol level & prevents Constipation.
Helps in combating diseases such as Cancer, Paralysis, Leukemia, Arthritis, Insomnia, Asthma, Menstrual problems, etc.
Highly effective for weight loss / gain along with diet plans.
Paste of Wheatgrass Powder made with milk & a pinch of Turmeric applied like a face pack helps overcome skin problems such as Acne, Black / White heads, freckles, skin tan / burn, etc.
Helps overcome skin disorders, improves skin & muscle tone.
And the list goes on…………


Rich Barley is enriched with vitamins and minerals. It has potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper , phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, Beta Carotene, B1, B2, B6, C, Folic Acid and Pantothenic Acid and significant amount of Chlorophyll.Essential amino acids are found in barley grass, amino acids that we must get from our diets as our body cannot produce them itself.
Rich Barley is extremely alkaline, so digesting it can help keep the body’s alkaline and acidity ratio balanced. Our cell cannot adequately function if the pH ratio is low. Thus it contributes to preventing the changes that often lead to cancer, rapid aging and cell death.
Rich Barley has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells. It is very high in organic sodium, which dissolves calcium deposited on the joints and also replenishes organic sodium in the lining of the stomach. Thus aids digestion by improving the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
It is Anti-bacterial, protecting against infection.
It is very similar in structure to haemoglobin and can help recovery from Anaemia.
It reduces blood sugar issues, so can help with diabetes and weight loss.
It neutralises toxins in the body, making it an effective element in detoxification programs.
It helps to purify the liver.
It is rich in organic sodium thus improves digestion by producing more hydrochloric acid.
It re-introduces all the amino-acids, dietary fibre and essential phyto-chemicals.
It is natural alkaline and helps in neutralising excess acidity in the body.
It can be easily absorbed throughout the digestive tract, providing our body with vital nutrients.
It supports our immune system and protects our body from radical damage.

30 times more B1 Vitamin and 11 times more Calcium than in the Cow’s Milk
5 times the iron content of Spinach
7 times the Vitamin C than in Orange